Nicaragua 2014: First Day in the OR

Our day began at 5:30 a.m. with Nicaraguan coffee and white pineapple for breakfast – delicioso. Our first case was a 12-year-old boy who had a severe congenital flatfoot deformity and walked pigeon-toed. Following four hours of multi-level surgery, a …

Nicaragua 2014: Healing soles – one foot at a time

Day 1: Philly to Managua

My team and I departed from Philly, 3 a.m. and 15 degrees with pending Nor’easter and arrived in Managua, Nicaragua 12:37 p.m., 95 degrees with circling, thirsty mosquitoes buzzing our heads. Following the customary body …

Vestibular Rehabilitation for Concussion

Vestibular Rehabilitation is a specialized physical therapy treatment typically used to treat vertigo, dizziness, motion sensitivity, imbalance, and neurological injuries. At the Cooper Bone and Joint Institute, our therapists implement vestibular therapy treatment for individuals suffering from post concussion syndrome. …