Cooper Neurological Institute Establishes Epilepsy Center
The Cooper Neurological Institute has established the Cooper Epilepsy Center to address the growing need for a multi-disciplinary center in South Jersey to provide long-term management of refractory and intractable seizures. Under the direction of Cooper neurologist, Melissa Carran, MD, the Epilepsy Center provides a full complement of diagnostic modalities, including an inpatient Video EEG Unit. The Center also offers the latest in medical/pharmacologic and surgical treatment options, and is the only area program staffed by epileptologists. For more information about the Epilepsy Center or the program and services of the Cooper Neurological Institute, please call: 856. 968.7965.
New Fragility Center Offers Region’s First Comprehensive Osteoporosis Program
Modeled on the American Orthopaedic Association’s (AOA) “Own the Bone™” bone health initiative, Cooper’s new Fragility Center offers comprehensive care to improve the diagnosis and management of patients with fragility fractures. Part of the hospital’s respected Bone and Joint Institute, it’s the first and only program of its kind in South Jersey, offering access to the full range of subspecialists involved in screening for and treating osteoporosis, the leading cause of fragility fractures.
“Own the Bone is a clinically-proven quality improvement program designed to identify, evaluate and initiate evidence-based care in fragility fracture patients age 50 and over,” notes Orthopedic Surgeon Paul M. Lafferty, MD. “Our goal is to close the treatment gap between repair of a fragility fracture and preventing future fractures via a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach.” For more information, please call 856.342.BONE (2663).
Cooper Resuscitation Center Provides Advanced Post-Cardiac Arrest Care
An acknowledged area leader in cardiac, emergency, and critical care medicine, Cooper University Hospital has responded to the national call for development of regional centers to provide a coordinated approach to post-cardiac arrest care, (Circulation, January 2010), with the opening of the Cooper Resuscitation Center. Under the direction of critical care and emergency department physician, Stephen Trzeciak, MD, the Cooper Resuscitation Center will provide the area’s only rapid, regional access to therapeutic hypothermia. Therapeutic hypothermia has become the gold standard for patients who remain unresponsive to commands after pulse has been restored post-cardiac arrest. The neuroprotective therapy has demonstrated substantial success in significantly reducing brain injury. Transfer coordination is provided 24/7 by calling 1.866.723.2687.