Flu Season at Cooper Officially Ends Wednesday, May 1, 2019

As a result of surveillance activities conducted by the New Jersey Department of Health and our own experience where we are seeing very few patients with influenza-like symptoms, our infection prevention team and hospital epidemiologist have declared Wednesday, May 1, 2019, as the end of the 2018/2019 influenza season at Cooper.

Masks for non-immunized staff will no longer be required as of today and all visitor restrictions related to influenza have been lifted.

Please be aware that there still may be patients admitted with influenza and that appropriate isolation precautions and PPE should be used when caring for those patients.

Proper hand hygiene and good cough etiquette are essential and remain the most effective ways to prevent the transmission of influenza and other infections.  

Thank you for your diligence in keeping our patients, visitors, and employees safe during this past influenza season.