Patient Safety Sentinel: Second Acceptable Method for Removing PPE

Two Acceptable Methods to Remove Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Please be advised that there are two acceptable methods recommended by the CDC for removing (doffing) personal protective equipment. Last week, we sent out one acceptable method.

Below is the second method the CDC has recommended to be used in situations where the sleeves and front of the gown are visibly soiled as result of care in the operating room, labor and delivery, or other critical care settings. This method was taught during training for a potential Ebola outbreak.  Either method is acceptable to use and both are approved by the CDC.

Protecting our patients is the top priority at Cooper University Health Care. We need 100 percent compliance with all patient safety procedures.

A sentinel is one who stands guard or watch to protect others. We need all employees to be sentinels to protect our patients and keep watch to ensure all patient safety procedures are being strictly followed.

One Team. One Purpose.