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Upcoming Webinar on Patient Safety and Staff Well-being Jan 16th

Integrated Model: Patient Safety and Staff Wellbeing. Application of Human Factors – Based Leadership to Reduce Burnout and Latent Error

Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. ET

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) 1999 Report: To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System emphasized that the majority of errors in healthcare are the result of systems factors.

The majority of occupational stressors causing burnout are also the result of systemic factors. The paradox: Many of the well-intended interventions to improve specific elements of quality, safety or value, when taken in toto, are contributing to health system dysfunction by the cumulative impact on workload and burnout at the point of care. Stress at work has been increasing over the last decades as measured by the same instrument over time, yet we do not prepare leaders and healthcare decision-makers how to work with this fact in mind. This webinar will introduce information that applies Human Factor Science in a new way that empowers leaders and managers to improve healthcare delivery and work environment. By using the foundation of an Integrated Model of Patient Safety and Staff Wellbeing participants will learn concepts taught in a new Human Factor-Based Leadership curriculum. Participants will learn ways to identify and reduce latent conditions in healthcare systems that contribute to error, improve patient safety and experience while also improving staff wellbeing.


Michael R Privitera MD, MS
Professor of Psychiatry and Medical Director, Medical Faculty and Clinician Wellness Program
University of Rochester Medical Center


Cooper belongs to this organization and any Cooper employee can attend!


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