Today is the fourth annual National Hospitalist Day. This day serves to celebrate the fastest growing specialty in modern medicine and hospitalists’ enduring contributions to the evolving healthcare landscape. This past year, hospitalists have shone throughout the country providing the highest quality clinical care on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic and our group is no different. During this crucial time, Cooper Hospitalists have provided care to our patients on the inpatient wards, in the stepdown units and ICUs, and in the emergency departments throughout the Southern New Jersey Region. We are so proud of the strength and expertise of our team. Today is a day that we celebrate you and all of your accomplishments—clinically, in education, quality improvement, administration, informatics, physician advisor work, and research.
Fun fact : In the mid-1990s, Drs. Robert Wachter and Lee Goldman created the term “hospitalist” to refer to a new group of physicians who spent more than 25 percent of their time caring for inpatients or whose primary focus was general inpatient care.