Our Med Staff office has generously supported renovations to the Lounge space which will start this month. Attached is a calendar. We have worked with facilities to ensure that the construction will be minimally disruptive. That being said, there will still be some days when the lounge will have to be closed. On some other days, there may be some work going on but we will keep the computer space open.
Attached is the full schedule. The lounge will be closed starting Monday 5:00pm 4/18 and will stay off limits will Sunday 4/24, partially opening up again Monday morning at 8:00 4/25. Furniture deliver will be complete by Tuesday 4/26 and the lounge will be completely open 4/26 at 12:00 noon.
The physicians can have exclusive access to the conference room (Rm 405) in the Medical Command Center on the 4th floor of Dorrance. If anyone needs computer access, they can use a computer station in the medical command center (Rm 403), as long as there are no medical emergency situations.
These changes will optimize and upgrade the space and will add more workstations and functional utility. We are excited that this is getting underway. Thank you to all who contributed your thoughts on the plans.