Please Take the Survey
Here is the link…
Culture of Safety Survey – Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access the survey?
- Clinical hospital team members will receive emails inviting them to take the survey. The email will contain a link to the survey. The emails will be from internal Cooper accounts. The account will be either CooperCommunications or PatientSafetyCommunication.
Is the survey confidential?
- Leaders and managers will not see the name of the respondents. Pooled results will contain 5 or more responses to retain anonymity.
Who get gets the survey?
- This survey is intended to hospital clinical employees and some supporting department. This round does NOT include ambulatory locations.
Will there be an ambulatory focused survey?
- It will open in early 2023.
Where does the data go?
- The results will go to your leaders and other stakeholders. They can review the results and anonymous comments via the survey portal.
What do we do with the data?
- The results and comments will serve to build Cooper’s action plan to improve our culture of safety.