Our cafeteria has been making huge strides to decrease our environmental footprint. First, the are offering more plant-based options. Impossible Burger will be offered at stations piloting from 2/1-2/3 and then on a more regular basis after that. Second, we …
Write letters of gratitude to waste haulers, recyclers, and composters.…
Collect broken/used bikes and then volunteer with an organization that dissembles, sorts, distributes bicycles to those who need them.…
Organize your household to take a dedicated hike or bike ride and stop along the way to clean up an area of the route.…
The Green Team has been partnering with the Operating Rooms at Cooper to upcycle the polypropylene blue wraps on OR instruments. Wraps to Mats FLYER…
Use alternative transportation to get to work or elsewhere such as walking, biking mass transit, when possible.…
Volunteer for an organization that offers delivery of food to those that are homebound.…
Consider safe streets where your family can conduct a roadway cleanup. Dispose of waste in receptacles and recycle when possible…
If you use weed preventatives at home, consider organic weed prevention over chemicals that get washed into our watershed.…
When considering pest control services, search for natural treatments over chemicals that harm insects like bees, butterflies, and other pollinators.…