Cooper First in the US to Integrate Fully-Automated Dialysis Monitoring in the EHR

Cooper University Hospital is the first hospital in the country to begin the use of an electronic medical system for transmission of real-time critical data on dialysis patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The system, built by NXStage using iSirona software for the interface, allows the physician to monitor complex clinical data from any location in real-time.

Cooper Opens New Clinical Decision Unit

The Clinical Decision Unit (CDU) of Cooper University Hospital is a brand new, state-of-the-art unit run by the Division of Hospital Medicine in the Department of Medicine. John P. Sheridan, Jr., President and CEO at Cooper remarked at the opening ceremony, “This unit is going to make a huge difference in our overall hospital operations and through-put for patients.”

New MRI Entertainment System Revolutionizes Level of Care for Pediatric Patients at Children’s Regional Hospital

Preparing to go for a MRI appointment can be an intimidating and frightening experience for any patient, especially young children. For a normally active and vibrant child, trying to get them to lie motionless for a prolonged period of time in a sometimes small, dark and enclosed area can be a daunting task.

Cooper Announces the 2011 Nursing Excellence Award Winners

These prestigious, peer-nominated awards honor the work of the recipients, whose leadership and practice promote the delivery of quality healthcare at Cooper. Each award, together with Nurse of the Year, has its own set of criteria for eligibility, including three letters of recommendation from staff within each nominee’s clinical discipline.