To Serve, To Heal, To Educate in “Your 3 Words”

A team of Cooper employees recently took the initiative to create a video that conveys Cooper’s mission “To Serve, To Heal and To Educate.” The video features the Mother/Infant staff and a number of Cooper employees at all levels that support the unit and play a vital role in the delivery of the “Cooper Experience” on the Maternity unit. The video was created to highlight specific elements of the core values and actions that support an exceptional patient experience as well as the pledge within the organization that Cooper is “One Team. One Purpose.”

“The process created a positive memorable experience to the staff,” said Christina Smith, Director of Patient and Family Centered Care. The concept was inspired by Good Morning America’s “Your 3 Words” weekend segment, which asked viewers to express their thoughts or inspirational messages on video in small, bite-sized phrases using just three words. Visit to view the video.

Kudos to this Cooper team for their dedication to patients, families and Cooper staff, for their initiative in the making of this video and for sharing it with fellow employees.

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