Team Cooper at JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes

As in years past, Children’s Regional Hospital at Cooper and the Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, will have a presence at the JDRF South Jersey’s Walk to Cure Diabetes 2014. The walk will take place on Sunday, October 26, 2014, at the waterfront at Susquehanna Bank Center in Camden. Check in starts at 8 a.m., and the three-mile walk begins at 9:30 a.m. Cooper will have a large tent set up at the walk where you can stop by and get a free “Team Cooper” T-shirt.

To join Team Cooper for the walk, simply visit and click “Join.” To support Team Cooper, visit our team page at You can also contact Team Cooper captain Brianna Marshall at

Look for the special tables at Voorhees, Three Cooper Plaza and Cooper University Hospital for information to raise awareness for the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes and Cooper’s participation. Go Team Cooper!



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