Trauma Patient Gives Thanks to Team That Saved His Life

traumaKen Coppola, Jr., a dedicated police officer, was off-duty and tailgating at a summer concert in 2014 when he fell off the back of a truck and hit his head on the concrete. He was rushed to Cooper with a brain injury. Within four days the pressure that was mounting in his head was too much and Cooper neurosurgeon Jonathan D. Bussey, DO, performed a life-saving craniotomy. Ken spent several weeks at Cooper slowly recovering and was then transferred to Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital where he continued his journey back.

The brain injury was so severe that he had to re-learn all his daily functions: how to walk, how to care for himself, and how to speak. Remarkably, less than a year later, Ken is back in the line of duty.

Last week, Ken came back to Cooper to thank his doctors and nurses for the care they provided him. Hugs filled the room as our trauma team gleamed with smiles of pride and appreciation.

Cooper’s Level 1 Trauma Center treats more than 3,000 trauma patients a year. Ken is just one of the thousands of success stories that can be attributed to the highest level of care, and the amazing team that makes it all possible.

Thank you to our Cooper Trauma Team!

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