Employee Online Event-Reporting Tool Training

earsThe new Cooper Event and Activity Reporting System (EARS) is now live and ready to use. Now adding an event is quick and easy. But do you know the characteristics of a “good” event report? And do you know how to handle patient complaints and grievances? These are things that everyone who works at Cooper needs to know.

But don’t worry … a new, online CLN class “Event and Activity Reporting System (EARS)” has been created to help you:

• Know how to enter event reports in EARS.
• Understand best practice for event reporting.
• Understand Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirements for responding to complaints and grievances.

Since this is so important to Cooper’s efforts to address patient safety and quality issues, all Cooper Employees are required to complete this course. You will receive your CLN course assignment in the next few days. Please complete the class by Wednesday, September 30, 2015.

You can also view this live demonstration of EARS – Watch our video.

If you have any questions about EARS please email EARS at EARS@cooperhealth.edu or call the Risk Management Department at 856.342.2112.

Event Reporting is everyone’s responsibility.

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