Cooper Radiology – Now Offering South Jersey’s Only Aquilion ONE™ 320 CT Scanner


Shown with the new Aquilion ONE™ are: (L to R) Derek Suragh, MBA, Administrative Director, Radiology; Hani Abujudeh, MD, MBA, FSIR, FACR, Chief of Radiology; Piya V. Sraijya, MD; James E. Kovacs, DO; Lisa Peterson, CT technologist; Michael Liles, CT technologist; Eliot Vasquez, CRA, Director of Radiology.

The Cooper Radiology team, under the leadership of Hani Abujudeh, MD, MBA, FSIR, FACR, Chief of the Department; Kathy Devine, RN, DrNPc, Executive Director; Derek Suragh, MBA; and Elliot Vazquez, Director; has introduced an exciting new technology. The Aquilion ONE™ CT scanner is an industry-leading technology that delivers images faster, safer and more comfortably. Strategically located on the first floor of the Kelemen Building, the scanner is adjacent to the Emergency Room and Trauma Admitting for patients requiring immediate and emergent care. Cooper is the only hospital in South Jersey to offer this superior diagnostic capability to patients. Cooper CT technologists have all received training in the new technology and provide 24-hour staffing, so they are available when the service is needed.

Benefits of the Aquilion ONE™ include:
• Faster exams with a lower dose of radiation.
• Accommodates pediatric patients to the larger bariatric population with a maximum weight capacity of 660 pounds (standard has been 400 pounds).
• Ability to quickly scan for stroke; and performs Cardiac CTA to image a moving heart.
• In case of trauma, when time matters most, the scanner can perform a whole body scan in as little time as 10 seconds.
• SEMAR (Single Energy Metal Artifact Reduction) technology provides imaging for patients with metal implants.

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