Information Security Alert: Beware of Ransomware Attacks

Imagine if we could not access EPIC for over a week – that was the situation at Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center in California where, as a result of a ransomware attack, they couldn’t fully access their computer systems.

While they are claiming that no patient or employee information has been accessed, the incident had seriously impacted the day-to-day running of the hospital.

Ransomware is a type of malware that restricts access to an infected computer system and demands the user pay a ransom to remove the restriction.

A ransomware infection usually starts when someone clicks on a link or opens an attachment in an email. Once the site is accessed or the attachment is opened, the virus infects the device and makes it unusable. On an infected device, you will normally see a screen similar to the one below. In the meantime, the virus is also looking to spread and infect other devices.


The best way to prevent a ransomware infection is to NOT click on links or open attachments that look or seem suspicious or from people you do not know. If you receive an email that looks suspicious, DO NOT open the email, delete the email immediately. Also keep your device patched and your anti-malware program updated. For Cooper devices, you do not have to worry about patching or anti-malware updates; IT keeps both updated for us. For your personal devices, however, you need to make sure these devices are updated with patches and anti-malware applications.

If you have any questions regarding the use of the Barracuda Message Archiver, please contact the help desk at 1.856.968.7166.

If you suspect that your computer has been compromised email

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