Oh Baby! Picture Challenge


Help support the Children’s Regional Hospital at Cooper through The Cooper Foundation by posting your baby photo and tagging three friends for The Cooper Foundation’s Oh Baby! Picture Challenge.

Starting March 1 through March 31 post your baby photo on Facebook or Twitter and make a donation to support the Children’s Regional Hospital at Cooper.

Here is how:

Scan or upload your baby photo, or an early childhood photo, to Facebook or Twitter and post with this text and let the sharing and donating begin.

 “I am participating in the @Cooper Foundation’s Oh Baby! Picture Challenge, and I’m sharing my baby picture to raise money for the Children’s Regional Hospital at Cooper (tag @Cooperfdn). I challenge (tag three friends) to share their baby picture on their Facebook page and/or make a donation so Children in South Jersey know they can count on Cooper if they get sick.”

Be sure to keep the challenge going by tagging three friends to share their baby pictures! Your donation in any amount will support the Children’s Regional Hospital at Cooper and send a message to children and families in South Jersey that they can count on Cooper if they get sick.

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