Join Team Cooper to Walk for Babies

Team Cooper

Children’s Regional Hospital at Cooper supports the March of Dimes® March for Babies. Team Cooper walkers will meet on Sunday, May 1, 2016. All Team Cooper walkers will receive a team t-shirt, and Cooper will have a table at the event. Children and pets are welcome at the walk.

The March of Dimes works to help mothers have healthy pregnancies, supports families in neonatal intensive care, and funds research to fight premature birth and birth defects.

To join Team Cooper for this event, please contact Maureen Donnelly at Please include your t-shirt size and those of any guests accompanying you.

Basket Auction
In addition, Children’s Regional Hospital staff is sponsoring a basket auction in advance of the walk. Stop by on the following dates to see the baskets and buy tickets for your chances to win!

Basket Auction
Friday, April 22, 2016
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Cooper Court cafeteria (outside)
Cooper University Hospital

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