New! Employee Discount for YMCA’s Off-Site Adventure Program Boots and Boats

Summer 2016 YMCA camp programs and special offers to Cooper employees are available now at Cooper Solutions Center! This includes the latest addition of the off-site Boots and Boats Adventure Program.

Reserve your spot today for YMCA’s Camp Ockanickon, Camp Matollionequay, Lake Stockwell, and the Boots and Boats Adventure Program with these special offers for Cooper employees for the summer 2016 season. These discounts are brought to you by Cooper Solutions Center.

For full details, including pricing, and to register, please go to their website at and use these Promo Codes to receive your discount:
COOPR: for the overnight camps (Ockanickon or Matollionequay).
COOPD: for the day camp (Lake Stockwell).
COOPBB: Boots and Boats off-site Adventure Program.

Find other special deals and discounts offered to Cooper employees by regularly checking on Cooper Solutions Center’s portal page.

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