We’ve Got Two Tickets to Paradise

PRTM logoHelp Support Pink Roses Teal Magnolias by entering today for a chance to win two FIRST CLASS round trip United Airlines tickets to anywhere in the continental United States, Alaska, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

Raffle tickets are $10 each or three for $25. Click here to take a chance.

Since 2010, The Cooper Foundation’s Pink Roses Teal Magnolias brunch has been raising funds for breast and gynecological cancer clinical and research programs at the MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper. This event is unique in that it raises funds for both breast and gynecological cancer.

All donations to Pink and Teal (as we have fondly nicknamed the event) stay local, right here at MD Anderson at Cooper. They support research, complementary medicine, new technology, support services, our Survivor Program and our Patient-in-Need fund that assists patients in financial distress with transportation, child care, prescription co-pays, and other immediate needs.