Walk With the Sidekicks for Sickle Cell Disease Awareness

Join the members of Sidekicks, CMSRU’s pediatrics mentoring program, and Children’s Regional Hospital at Cooper faculty and staff in a one-mile walk to raise awareness about Sickle Cell Disease. The Sidekicks will lead you on a trek through the Health Sciences Campus in Camden.

Sickle Cell Disease is a chronic, hereditary form of anemia which inhibits or blocks blood flow, causing infections, severe pain, and fatigue.

Participants will receive special giveaways from Children’s Regional Hospital at Cooper, and meet other families and supporters of this important cause.

To register for the walk in advance, or for more information, please contact Sidekicks’ member Priyanka Verma at chughp7@rowan.edu or 856.577.3104. We look forward to seeing you there!

Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Walk

Friday, September 30, 2016

5 p.m.

Corner of Haddon Avenue and Benson Street (Meet at the fountain.)
