Welcome Back, Dr. Chovanes! Thank You for Your Service.

Dr. Chovanes and his children

Dr. Chovanes with his children at the airport after he returned from four months in Fallujah, Iraq.

The Cooper family extends a warm welcome home to John Chovanes, DO, who recently returned home from a four-month deployment in Fallujah, Iraq.

Dr. Chovanes, a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army Reserve Medical Corps, served as the lead surgeon for the 17-person far forward mobile trauma medical unit. Dr. Chovanes has served three previous tours of duty since 2007 – one in Iraq and two in Afghanistan. During his tour, his medical team saved the lives of 80 Iraqi soldiers injured in battle against ISIS.

Dr. Chovanes at the Army medical camp in Iraq

Dr. Chovanes at the Army medical camp in Iraq

Dr. Chovanes says his experience as a trauma surgeon here at Cooper has prepared him for saving lives in a combat situation. Likewise, techniques learned at the Army field hospital have enhanced his skills as a trauma surgeon here at Cooper.

“I want to thank everyone at Cooper for their support of me during my deployment,” said Dr. Chovanes. “I especially want to thank the trauma team for taking on extra shifts to accommodate my absence. I have the best team and I’m proud to be a part of the Cooper family.”

Watch this heartwarming video of Dr. Chovanes being greeted by his family upon his return.