Meet Our Q3 Good Catch Winner

ED and Patient Safety Team

The Patient Safety Department would like to congratulate Amanda Tole, RN, Emergency Department, for being the Good Catch winner for Q3.

During Amanda’s shift, a patient in the ED needed an IV medication infusion. Amanda obtained the medication from the automated dispensing cabinet. During her seven rights to medication administration check, Amanda noticed she did not have the correct medication. She worked with the clinical pharmacist to investigate the event. Amanda and the clinical pharmacist identified that automated dispensing cabinet had been incorrectly stocked. Amanda avoided having the patient receive the wrong medication and potentially causing serious preventable injury.

This Good Catch impacts one of Joint Commissions 2016 National Patient Safety Goals: Using Medications Safely.

Kudos to Amanda for her continued dedication and excellence in Patient Safety!

If you would like to nominate a colleague for a Good Catch Award you can do so through EARS. Click on the Good Catch icon.