Prize Drawings for Donating to Cooper’s Employee Giving Campaign

Enter for a special prize drawing when you donate to the Care to Share Employee Giving Campaign! This week’s prize is four Club Box tickets to Disney On Ice, Monday, December 26, 2016, at 7 p.m.

Remember, you decide where your gift can have the most impact. The Cooper Foundation wants to help you provide exceptional care and service to our patients. Choose the fund that works for you!

Cooper Cares empowers you to ask for funding for projects that support or enhance the patient experience. Some ways your Cooper Cares donations are helping our patients:

  • Blanket warmers: To provide comfort before and after procedures.
  •  iPads for speech pathologists to assist with nonverbal adult and pediatric patients.
  • Supplies for the Labor and Delivery Bereavement Program to provide comfort to families experiencing the loss of a newborn.
  • Specialized car seats to loan to patients to ensure a safe discharge to home.
  • Educational books for cancer patients.

Nursing Funds support the needs of our clinical staff, making sure you have the tools you need to provide every patient with exceptional care!

  • Nursing Continuing Education Fund (#401480) – Supports continuing education for nurses.
  • Trauma Nursing Fund (#401610) – Provides funding for programs run by the nursing staff in the Trauma Unit for patients and families.
  • Advanced Practice Nursing Fund (#402430) and Intensive Care Nursing  Fund (#401420) – Supports professional developmentand training.
  • Nursing Awards are given each year to recognize our outstanding nurses. Click here for the list of Nursing Awards.

We also have many clinical funds in cancer, cardiology, anesthesiology, pediatrics, urology, emergency medicine, surgery, medicine, and for our hospitalists – just click on our Fund List.


Giving is easy! Deduct any amount from your paycheck each week, write a check, or charge it.

Your donation is 100 percent tax-deductible.

For more information visit or read the Employee Giving Campaign FAQ.

Please help us reach our goal of 100 percent participation.

Give Now by completing the donation form and returning to The Cooper Foundation.