Cooper EIP Expanded Care Center Showcased Their Expanded Space at Open House

Cooper’s Early Intervention Program (EIP) team showcased their new office space and expanded service
offerings at an Open House on Wednesday, August 23, 2017. The EIP team provided tours of the new 6400-square-foot office. Cooper EIP is a grant-funded chronic care model for multidisciplinary medical care and supportive services. The program’s mission is to ensure access to medical care services for people living with HIV disease regardless of ability to pay. EIP, now called Cooper EIP Expanded Care Center, offers multiple services including HIV specialty care, general Infectious Diseases, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Psychiatry. In the near future, EIP will offer Hepatology, Gastroenterology, and Addictions clinics. Support services include Clinical Pharmacy, Behavioral Health, Care Coordination, 340B pharmacy services, and access to clinical research.

John D. Baxter, MD, Head, Division of Infectious Disease, and Medical Director, EIP Expanded Care Center, and Pamela Gorman, Administrative Director, address staff and attendees at the open house.

Cooper EIP staff and colleagues in attendance at the open house event.

The new EIP space includes spacious light-filled exam rooms.