Amateur Radio Event at Cooper

Cooper’s Medical Coordination Center is hosting a seminar for amateur radio operators and emergency management personnel. The purpose of the event is to learn more about the use of current and emerging amateur radio technologies, including those identified as best practices, that can be used during disasters and large-scale incidents.

More than 120 amateur radio operators from throughout the state, region, and country, as well as hospitals’ emergency medical services personnel and emergency management professionals, will be in attendance to learn more about supporting emergency communication functions during public disasters and other events when normal methods of communication are impaired.

The day-long event will include breakout sessions as well as a panel discussion on how to integrate evidenced-based best practices in facility, agency, and regional emergency communication plans.

Amateur Radio Event
Saturday, February 16, 2019
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Roberts Pavilion
Room 1014
Cooper University Hospital

Space is limited, but Cooper employees are invited to attend.

Registration is required. To register or for more information, call Bob Saunders, Emergency Management Officer, at 856.968.7901.