Introducing Cooper’s New HRO Website

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve patient safety and satisfaction, Cooper joined the New Jersey High Reliability Organization (HRO) Collaborative earlier this year.

On Monday, November 11, 2019, we will launch a new HRO website, which will serve as a one-stop shop for all of Cooper’s HRO and patient safety-related information. On the site, you will find:

  • News and updates regarding Cooper’s HRO initiative.
  • HRO training materials.
  • Patient safety moments – stories, tools, and insight into patient and employee safety.
  • Good Catches: Near-miss events that were caught by Cooper employees before they reached a patient.
  • Link to sign up for a mandatory, in-person HRO training session.

To access the site, visit the Pulse, click on the Quality and Safety tab, and click on High Reliability Organization.