Kudos for MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper Physicians and Staff

A grateful patient reached out to Generosa Grana, MD, Director, MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, and Francis Spitz, MD, Deputy Director, MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, to express his thanks for the excellent, compassionate care he received at MD Anderson at Cooper.

Dear Dr. Grana and Dr. Spitz,

I am replying to you in hope of conveying my thankful appreciation for the life MD Anderson at Cooper has given me. I am alive today only due to Dr. Spitz, Dr. Morrison, their teams and the staff at Cooper. The doctors who worked diligently to resolve my cancer are without a doubt the best in their field. I was hospitalized for three weeks at Cooper Hospital in in December 2019 and January 2020. I was medically a very difficult case. Never did I feel that my hope was gone because the MD Anderson at Cooper staff and in particular, Dr. Spitz and team were at my side every day. Dr. Morrison visited me on Christmas. Cooper people simply do things they don’t have to! That is a culture of care.

There is a culture at MD Anderson at Cooper of professionalism, competence, compassion and kindness that is evident at all levels. My experience at Cooper is one that is ongoing with follow up. I was treated at the hospital, surgery, chemo center, radiology, gastric center and off campus offices. My experience with all MD Anderson at Cooper facilities has been uniformly excellent. The MD Anderson at Cooper leadership has done an outstanding job in conveying a value system of service, compassion and above all, medically excellent care. I cannot fully express the daily appreciation and gratitude I feel for the doctors, nurses, technicians, staff, and administration at MD Anderson at Cooper. You are indeed a very special group of people. Please know you have my deepest thankfulness on a daily basis.

Michael McCusker

(Named shared with the patient’s consent)