Holiday Gatherings at Cooper

As we enter the holiday season, COVID-19 cases are unfortunately on the rise once again and projected to rise even further in coming weeks. We know this is frustrating after nearly two years of the pandemic, especially during the holiday season when we want to celebrate with our teams.

Given the rise in cases right now, however, we strongly discourage holiday gatherings once again this year. We want to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Please also remember our COVID-19 safety policies below are still in effect:

  • Masks are required at all times in public areas and clinical facilities.
  • Six feet of distance is required when masks are not worn.
  • Frequently use hand hygiene.
  • Do not share drinks, or food that is not individually wrapped such as cookies, chips, dip, or pizza.
  • Any food brought into work MUST be individually wrapped (including holiday treats).

Lastly, we understand that people may meet together outside of Cooper on their own time. We ask you to refrain from posting pictures of holiday celebrations on social media of groups of Cooper team members if they are not wearing masks because that would violate the current CDC recommended community standards. As a leading academic health system, we must provide the leadership that the public looks for in ending the pandemic following public health guidelines.

We thank you for your ongoing cooperation.