Pneumatic Tube Quiz Winners

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Pneumatic Tube Quiz earlier this month. Nearly 100 people participated in the quiz, and 83% of the questions were answered correctly. Everyone who answered a question correctly was entered into a random drawing for a Starbucks gift card. Congratulations to the winners: Dianne Marsango, Annmarie Cristiano, Michelle Cahill, Leslie DiTullio, and Marie Eagan.

As a reminder, please avoid holding carriers at your unit. The system works best if each station has its designated par level as noted on the sign at each carrier station. In early August, Cooper conducted an observation of the system, which showed that approximately 50-60 carriers were unaccounted for.

Please remember to always:

  • Use Send Empty when over the station’s par level.
  • Place a HEMS or maintenance request if a carrier is broken.
  • Call 100-2916 if a station is offline.

Also, please remember that you should NOT:

  • Throw away damaged carriers.
  • Batch items that need to be sent – send each specimen as soon as it is ready.
  • Physically move carriers from one station to another.
  • Put slips of paper or notes in the carrier.

Pneumatic tube quiz winners (L to R, top row) Dianne Marsango, Annmarie Cristiano; (L to R, bottom row) Michelle Cahill, Leslie DiTullio, and Marie Eagan