Basic Disaster Life Support and Advanced Disaster Life Support Courses

Cooper University Health Care’s Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Medicine and Emergency Preparedness teams will resume hosting Basic Disaster Life Support (BDLS) and Advanced Disaster Life Support (ADLS) courses later this month.

BDLS and ADLS are part of the National Disaster Life Support (NDLS) courses, a series of educational programs to better prepare health care professionals and emergency response personnel for mass casualty events. The NDLS courses are comprehensive, all-hazards, competency-based, standardized, and multidisciplinary. The courses help health professionals respond to mass casualty events, regardless of the cause.

The BDLS course is a 7.5-hour competency-based, awareness-level course that introduces concepts and principles to prepare health professionals for the management of injuries and illnesses caused by disasters and public health emergencies. The primary focus of the BDLS course is incorporation of an “all-hazards” approach to mass casualty management and population-based care across a broad range of disasters. Measures to ensure and enhance health workforce readiness are emphasized throughout the course. This includes a consistent and scalable approach to workforce protection and casualty management, as well as mass casualty triage and fatality management. Knowledge gained in the course can then be reinforced and expanded through application in the 15-hour, two-day ADLS course. Certifications in BDLS and ADLS remain active for three years from the date of issuance.

All courses are held at Cooper University Hospital in Camden, New Jersey at the Cooper Command Center – MCC D (Dorrance 403).

Tuition for BDLS is $275 and ADLS is $500. Cost per student includes e-book, continental breakfast, lunch, and parking.

Registration information is available here.

For more information, please contact Stephanie Howitt.