Cooper Nurses Present at the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s 2023 Magnet/Pathway to Excellence Conference

Cooper nurses Lisa Passero, MSN, RN, and Patrick Matlack, JD, MSN, RN, CNL, recently presented at the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s 2023 Magnet/Pathway to Excellence Conference in Chicago, which welcomed 13,000 nurses from across the globe and from every state in the U.S.

In their presentation, Lisa and Steve discussed how Cooper has added a nursing skills boot camp to unit orientation for all new-to-practice nurses. The goal of the program is to instill confidence, reduce stress levels, and improve the success rate of new-to-practice nurses by ensuring that they have the necessary clinical skills to ease their transition to practice in a high-volume, acute care hospital. The response to the boot camp has been overwhelmingly positive, with nurse participants reporting an easier transition to practice and increased confidence.

Patrick Matlack, JD, MSN, RN, CNL, and Lisa Passero, MSN, RN.