Hospital Assault Response and Prevention Training Courses

Cooper has successfully implemented the Hospital Assault Response and Prevention (HARP) training program, with 280 team members trained since June 2023. Team members are trained in assault safety best practices, de-escalation strategies, protect-exit skills, and management of volatile patients and visitors.

HARP sessions are offered in person every Thursday – team members can register through the Cooper Learning Network (CLN). To allow more Cooper team members to participate in HARP training, we have added additional classes for team members who work during the evening shift. In addition to the Thursday sessions, there are evening classes on Tuesday, November 14, and Tuesday, December 5, 2023, both at 6 p.m. in the Cooper Conference Center, Room 121.

Cooper team members can register for these additional classes on the CLN. In 2024, we will continue with the Thursday HARP sessions and add a minimum of one evening session per month.