New Clinical Trial for Traumatically Injured Patients

Cooper University Health Care is participating in a national study that will examine whether providing intravenous (IV) pain medication in the prehospital course of treatment would give severely injured patients a better chance at survival.

The Prehospital Analgesia Intervention (PAIN) Trial is a clinical trial being led by the University of Pittsburgh that will compare the effect of two IV pain medications given to severely injured patients in the prehospital course of treatment.

PAIN is being conducted under Exception From Informed Consent (EFIC) for emergency research rules. This means that because treatment of traumatic injuries is an emergency and patients are too injured to give permission, patients who have a major traumatic injury and need treatment for pain will be enrolled. Permission for continued participation will be obtained from patients once they are able to give consent, or from their family members, as soon as possible.

Cooper is looking for team members and faculty to help with our community consultation efforts by completing a very brief anonymous survey. To complete the anonymous survey on your thoughts about this EFIC study, please click here.

If you would like to learn more, please contact Cooper’s Trauma research team here, visit the national website here, or watch this video.

This research is supported by DoD contract W81XWH-16-D-0024 W81XWH-19-F-0539. Any opinions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Defense.