Nurse Spotlight: Marisa Furey, RN

There are nurses. And then there are Cooper nurses.

Meet Marisa Furey, RN, with MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper!

Q: What unit do you work on and how long have you been with Cooper?
I work at MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper and I have been with Cooper for seven years!

Q: Why did you become a nurse?
I have always had a passion for helping and caring for people, but when my dad was in the ICU when I was younger, watching the nurses care for him and the impact they had on him made it clear what I wanted to do.

Q: What do you love the most about being a nurse?
I love being the positive light in someone’s hard time and knowing I made a difference in someone’s day.

Q: What do you need to get through your 12-hour day?
My emotional support water bottle and humor.

Q: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I love going for walks with my pups, working out, and hanging with family and friends. Go Phils and Go Birds!

Thanks, Marisa!

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