Nurse Spotlight: Rolanda Robinson, BSN, RN

There are nurses. And then there are Cooper nurses.

Meet Rolanda Robinson, BSN, RN.

Q: What unit do you work on and for how long?

I work on Kelemen 10 and have proudly been at Cooper for 22 years.

Q: Why did you become a nurse?

I became a nurse because I love being of service. I enjoy taking care of my patients, making them feel safe and cared for at such a meaningful time in their lives.

Q: What do you love most about being a Cooper nurse?

I love being a Cooper nurse because I get to impact someone’s life; involve myself in something meaningful to them. I love that each of us take away an experience from each other. I make it my priority for it to be positive.

Q: What do you need to get through your 12-hour shift?

To get through my 12-hour shift, I need laughter, humor, a sit down or two, and a random cold Pepsi.

Q: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

In my free time, I am a shopaholic! I laugh at myself because I need to buy stock in Amazon. I also enjoy dining, traveling, concerts, and time with family and friends.

Thank you, Rolanda!

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