Masking Policy Update for Clinical Buildings ONLY (Hospital and Ambulatory)

The good news is there is no change to the patient-centric masking currently in use.

The masking policy update is in preparation for a potential increase in COVID-19, influenza, and RSV cases in coming months. The IMT has approved updates, which went into effect on Monday, December 18, 2023. You can find the updated masking policies on the Cooper Policy Network for clinical sites (hospital and ambulatory offices). The updated policies are consistent with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and New Jersey Department of Health guidelines and are based upon COVID-19 hospital admission levels.

COVID-19 hospital admission levels are based upon the number of admissions per 100,000 of population over a two-week period and are signified by green, yellow, and red. Cooper’s Infection Prevention, Employee Health, and Emergency Management teams will track the hospital admission levels in Camden, Burlington, and Gloucester counties and team member call-outs to determine masking requirements.

Overview of the new policies:

  • There will be three levels of masking:
    • Patient-centric masking (current level): When hospital admission levels are green, patient-centric masking will be required for patients who are identified in Epic as requiring a mask be worn in their room.
    • Patient-facing masking: When hospital admission levels are yellow, patient-facing masking will be required, meaning all team members must wear a mask when entering all patient rooms to provide direct patient care. Visitors will also be required to mask.
    • Universal masking: When levels are red or there are more than 100 unplanned call-outs by critical Cooper team members, universal masking will be required, meaning all individuals must wear a mask when entering a Cooper clinical facility. Inpatients will have a choice whether or not to wear a mask.
  • The masking level color for each week and any information on specific masking requirements related to outbreaks will be on the Pulse.

To view the policy and a chart detailing the masking levels, click here. For your convenience, a chart summarizing the policy changes is also available on the Pulse. Please check the Pulse each Monday to see if there are any updates.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Raquel Nahra.