Maternal Health Awareness Day

Today, January 23, 2024, is Maternal Health Awareness Day. Despite advances in medical science and technology, deaths related to complications from pregnancy and childbirth continue to rise nationally. In 2017, New Jersey became the first state in the nation to designate a day to raise awareness of maternal health, safety, and mortality issues. This year’s focus issues include cardiovascular disease and mental health conditions.

Today, Gunda Simpkins, RNC-OB, MSN, MPH, IBCLC, Advanced Clinical Program Manager, Women’s and Children’s Inpatient Services, provided education to Cooper team members about the following topics:

  • Baby Friendly, USA designation – Cooper is proud to be designated a Baby-Friendly hospital for upholding the highest standards in infant feeding.
  • Maternal sepsis
  • Hypertension in pregnancy and postpartum
  • Perinatal depression
  • Resources for perinatal substance use

For more information on Maternal Health Awareness Day, visit Maternal Health Awareness Day | ACOG.