CMSRU Participates in Solidarity Week for Compassionate Patient Care

Cooper Medical School of Rowan University is listed as a participant in the Gold Humanism Honor Society’s Solidarity Week for Compassionate Patient Care. This week of recognition takes place each year around Valentine’s Day to promote the special bond of trust and compassion that patients and clinicians share to result in the best possible care. To learn more, click here.

See below for the list of activities:

  • Solidarity Week Banner: A banner will be displayed at the hospital throughout the week showcasing responses from medical students and faculty regarding compassionate care they have witnessed, or what solidarity in medicine means to them.
  • Tell Me More: Team members will visit hospitalized patients who may want to share information about themselves outside of their medical condition (how many cats they have, what hobbies they have, etc). Responses will be written on “Tell Me More” cards to be put on display in the patient’s room to encourage more meaningful connections between them and those who enter their hospital room.
  • Music and Medicine: Team members will visit hospitalized patients who could use some music in their lives. They will bring their own instruments to play or use the music app on their mobile devices.