Support Your Colleagues at the CMSRU Story Slam

Please join us for the 2024 Cooper Story Slam. The theme is “When the Unexpected Happens.”

Storytellers from Cooper University Health Care and Cooper Medical School of Rowan University (CMSRU) will share a five-minute piece on the theme in connection with medicine. On the day of the story slam, the audience will choose the final slam winner! Winners will be invited to represent CMSRU at the Philadelphia-wide College of Physicians Story Slam in May.

CMSRU Story Slam
Thursday, February 22, 2024, at noon
CMSRU Auditorium (First Floor)

Lunch will be provided.

The following storytellers will be featured:

  • Milan Arya, medical student, CMSRU
  • Margaret Burzynski, medical student, CMSRU
  • Richard L. Fischer, MD, FACOG, Head, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Cooper
  • Christina Fox, RN, ICU Clinical Educator, Cooper
  • Marni Goldstein, medical student, CMSRU
  • Ashley Moore, MD, pediatric resident, Cooper
  • Ryan Park, medical student, CMSRU
  • Olivia Schreiber, medical student, CMSRU