Cooper Registered Nurse Recently Commissioned to Army Major

Please join us in congratulating Capt. Randy York on his promotion to the rank of Major in the United States Army. His ceremony was held earlier this month by Cooper’s Military, Diplomatic, and Field (MILDAF) team. Maj. York is a part of our embedded AMCT3 program at Cooper as a critical care registered nurse.

Cooper serves as the only Level I Trauma Center for all of southern New Jersey and is one of the busiest trauma centers in the region. Due to its high-volume trauma center and expertise in surgery and critical care, Cooper is the only hospital in the United States that has trained elite medical providers from every military branch; multiple local, state, and federal government agencies; and international partners.

In 2019, Cooper became the first hospital in the nation to establish the AMCT3 Program and later that year became one of only three hospitals nation to provide specialized medical training to active duty and reserve personnel from all branches of the U.S. military as part of the Strategic Medical Asset Readiness Training (SMART) initiative. For more information, click here.