Active Shooter Scenarios – What You Need to Know and Do

Over the past decade, the United States has experienced an increase in active shooter scenarios. It is more important than ever to be aware of your surroundings and recognize unusual behavior in the workplace.

Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. Cooper University Health Care’s Active Shooter Policy 4.421 is rooted in the FBI’s “Run, Hide, Fight” emergency response plan for confronting an active shooter scenario. Because these types of scenarios are often over within 10 to 15 minutes, before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation.

In the coming months, Cooper’s Security team will conduct brief training exercises in units and departments throughout the hospital to increase staff preparedness in the event of an active shooter scenario. We will keep staff updated as training is scheduled.

We encourage all employees to review the Active Shooter policy and remember the important safety tips below if confronted with an active shooter scenario.


  • At first indication that there is a shooting nearby, leave the area if possible.
  • Encourage people around to leave with you, but do not delay your exit.
  • Once you are out of harm’s way, call 911 from your cell phone.
  • Tell the 911 dispatcher: “Active Shooter,” then the location.
  • Continue to move away from the building.
  • If police are approaching the building, hold up your empty hands and spread your fingers.
  • Follow ONLY the directions of first responders (police, fire, EMTs, paramedics).


  • If you determine you cannot run, you must hide.
  • First choice is a room that can either be locked or barricaded.
  • Turn off the lights, silence your cell phone, and remain silent.
  • Stay out of view and hide behind hard objects – bullets will penetrate most walls.
  • If you cannot find a room, hide behind something that will absorb or deflect a bullet.
  • Avoid simply hiding under a table.
  • Remain sheltered in place until given instructions by first responders.


  • If you cannot run or find a secure hiding place, you must fight the shooter, if confronted.
  • Use anything around you as a weapon (mops, staplers, scissors, pencils, fingers, etc.).
  • Target the shooter’s eyes, throat, groin, or even the weapon itself.
  • You MUST commit yourself to the attack.