Schwartz Center Rounds Recap

Thank you to everyone who attended the last Schwartz Center Rounds on October 23, 2019, which featured a panel discussion on treating undocumented patients. A standing-room-only crowd participated in an important discussion along with panelists: Eileen Macklin, Legal Affairs; Sue Cannon, Women and Children’s Inpatient Operations; Karen Walker, PICU; and Allison Wills Nevett, Transitional Care/PICU.

Presentation facilitators:
Rachel S. Nash, MD, Assistant Program Director
Grace Paschall, LCSW, Transitional Care Supervisor

The Schwartz Center Rounds are designed to bring doctors, nurses, and other caregivers together to discuss the social and emotional side of caring for patients and families. Programs for the remainder of 2019 will be held on November 20, and December 18. Watch for more information.