Call for Submissions: Center for Humanism Newsletter

Cooper team members are invited to submit their writing, art, and program updates to the spring 2022 Cooper Medical School of Rowan University (CMSRU) and Cooper Center for Humanism newsletter. The theme of the issue is “Riding Out the Storm: Working, Learning, and Living During the Pandemic.”

We welcome short reflective essays, art, poetry, and updates about any community programs to share with the broader Center for Humanism community. Possible ideas include:

  • Reflection on your COVID-19 vaccination experience.
  • A description of taking care of a patient who recovered from COVID-19.
  • What it felt like to reunite with family and friends after receiving your vaccination.
  • Description of resilience programs at Cooper and CMSRU.

Submission details:

Submission deadline: Friday, January 28, 2022

Word limit: 400 words (shorter is preferable)

Submit to: Dr. Mara Gordon at​. Dr. Gordon is also happy to talk through ideas about your submission.

Click here to read previous issues of the Center for Humanism newsletter, which covers topics such as anti-racism work at CMSRU and the early stages of the pandemic.