Cybersecurity Tips

Use internet connections you trust:

  • As much as possible, use trusted internet connections like your home internet service or your smart phone’s cellular service.
  • When you set up your home wireless network use, as a minimum, Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3).
  • When traveling, be wary of public Wi-Fi networks like you see in airports, restaurants, etc. These connections are not secure. If you choose to connect to these types of connections, use a virtual private network (VPN) service.

Don’t connect to rental cars:

  • If you rent vehicles for leisure or business, do not connect your devices to the car. When you connect, you open your personal devices to exchange data with an unknown entity that was used by an unknown number of strangers.

Don’t forget about your old devices:

  • When you upgrade your phone or your computer, complete a thorough data cleansing of your old devices. A factory reset on your phone does not wipe all the data from your phone. Invest in an application that will truly wipe your personal data from your devices. Also remember that when you are replacing an older device, you must report that to Cooper’s IT team at 856.968.7166.

Do your online shopping homework:

  • In today’s world, scammers are everywhere. When possible, only use trusted shopping sites—sites you have used before without issue. If you need to purchase from a new merchant, take the time to read their reviews to see what others say. Go a step further and call them.

Back up your data:

  • Always back up your data. You never know when your device will break, e.g., dropping your phone. If you have not backed up your data, it may be lost.
  • When you travel, always do a manual backup before you leave for your trip. Should anything happen to your device, you will still have the backed up data.
