Daisy Award Winner: Leslie Demark, RN, BSN

Leslie Demark, RN, BSN, a night shift staff nurse from Cooper’s Pavilion 10 TSCU unit, is the Daisy Award winner for July 2022. Leslie’s dedication to Cooper Nursing and the extraordinary care she provided to our Cooper patients earned her the following accolade:

“Leslie is the most compassionate and caring nurse I have ever worked with in my 3 years of nursing. She cares about the patients care as well as the families, even if it is not an assigned patient to her. One specific time she had a difficult assignment but there was an emergency in the next room, she stopped what she was doing to console the family and explain what was happening in an easily understandable way. After that, she took over a patient for that nurse that was handling the emergency with another patient. She is the definition of a team player and will do anything for anyone. I know if Leslie is working, she will always be there and give great care to her patients. My words cannot even begin to capture how caring of a nurse she is. I hope you take this into consideration.”