Security Update

Across the country, crime rates and violence have been on the rise. In recent days, we witnessed another tragic shooting at a hospital in Dallas, Texas. Accordingly, we all have heightened concerns about our personal security. One of the best ways to ensure that Cooper remains safe is when you see something, you say something by calling Security immediately at 856.342.2400.

While there is no perfect solution to this increasing problem in our society, we thought it would be appropriate to give you an update on a number of measures Cooper’s Security team has put in place and planned. Click here to watch a video update and read more about our security initiatives below.

  • Gary Catts is Cooper’s new Administrative Director of Security. Gary worked for the NJ State Police for 28 years and in urban health care security administration for the last seven years.
  • In the Emergency Department, we are currently piloting a new weapons-detection technology, using low-frequency radio waves that do not require individuals to empty their pockets. If the pilot is successful, Security will install this technology at other campuses.
  • We are hiring a coordinator to oversee Cooper’s violence prevention program to include training in de-escalation techniques, identification of opportunities to increase team member safety, and improvements in investigation of workplace violence events.
  • Assessing and upgrading Security presence at ambulatory locations.
  • We will be deploying a new mass notification system in coming months that will send text message alerts to all team members who provide their cell phone numbers.
  • We included active shooter training in Cooper’s mandatory annual training to increase team member preparedness. In September, Security held an active shooter training session with representatives from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security; a second session is scheduled for November. Next year, Security will schedule active shooter drills for additional training.
  • The Security Corner on The Pulse has security updates and safety materials.
  • On the hospital campus:
    • Security personnel are 24/7 and we have Camden County Sheriff’s Office mobile patrols.
    • Cooper has 1,105 cameras across the campus monitored from a state-of-the-art Security Command Center 24/7.
    • 16 security monitor stations in addition to the Security Command Center.
    • 204 emergency panic/duress buttons across the campus.
    • 64 Code Blue Security Stations on streets on the Health Sciences Campus, including garages.
    • X-ray machine for bags at the main Emergency Department entrance.

As the above list indicates, we are continually reviewing ways to improve security at Cooper. Your security and that of our patients and visitors remains a top priority.

Remember – one of the best ways to keep Cooper safe is for you to call Security at 856.342.2400 when you see something that does not feel right. Save this number in your cell phone.

Simply put: If you see something, say something.