Boot Walk Day

This year, MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper and Cooper University Health Care will take part in the MD Anderson Cancer Center Boot Walk.

The MD Anderson Boot Walk to End Cancer is designed to raise awareness of our shared mission to end cancer in our community, across the nation, and around the world. The in-person and virtual walk in Houston took place on Saturday, November 5, but we are putting our own spin on the event by holding a Boot Walk Day at MD Anderson at Cooper and throughout Cooper.

Our Boot Walk Day will take place on Friday, November 11, 2022.

On Boot Walk Day we are encouraging you, as well as our patients, families, and friends, to kick up your heels and wear your favorite boots.

Cancer doesn’t care what kind of boots you wear – so wear your favorite cowboy boots, rain boots, booties, or any boots that you choose. Please keep in mind that your boots should be compliant with our team member dress code and your role/responsibilities.

Take Photos and Tag Us!

We are looking forward to seeing photos of you and your team members showing off your fanciful footwear on social media. When you post your photos be sure to tag @CooperUniversityHealthCare and #EndCancer, and include a message about why you are wearing your boots. For example: “I’m wearing my boots to support my patients/to end cancer/to raise awareness about cancer screenings/for my mom.”

How to Register

We want to show our colleagues in Houston just how excited we are to take part, so we are encouraging you to register as a member of the MD Anderson at Cooper team.

To join the MD Anderson at Cooper team, click here and then click the “JOIN THIS TEAM” button. Fundraising/financial support is not required or expected – we just want you to be part of the fun and help raise awareness through this global event.

Mark your calendars for Friday, November 11, and let’s give cancer the boot!