Camden Stakeholders Learn Life-Saving Skills at Community Advisory Council

In a remarkable display of unity and community engagement, Cooper’s Community Outreach team brought together representatives from various sectors of Camden during their recent Community Advisory Council meeting in September. The event, which serves as a vital platform for collaboration and information sharing, drew participation from key figures, including representatives from the Camden Mayor’s Office, the Camden Police Department, the Camden School District, faith-based organizations, and several other community-based organizations.

A standout highlight of the event was the presentation by the Center of Resuscitation Education and Community Engagement, dedicated to enhancing the health and safety of Camden’s residents. They took center stage to share life-saving knowledge and resources related to CPR.

The next Cooper Community Outreach meeting is scheduled for November 28, 2023. This upcoming event presents another opportunity for Cooper groups interested in presenting valuable resources and information to Camden stakeholders. If your team wishes to contribute, please reach out to