Nurse Spotlight: Kelly Klinger, RN

There are nurses. And then there are Cooper nurses.

Meet Kelly Klinger, RN, Labor and Delivery

Q: What unit do you work on and how long have you been at Cooper?
I work on the Labor & Delivery Unit and have worked at Cooper for 18 years.

Q: Why did you become a nurse?
I became a nurse because there are so many different avenues you can take within the profession. I enjoy caring for people and there are so many opportunities to learn from others.

Q: What do you love most about being nurse?
I love being a nurse because I love the opportunity to be a part of someone’s life during a time that can be so intimate and special for them. I love my co-workers and the camaraderie that nurses have is very different than a lot of other jobs. We spend nights, holidays, weekends together; they are like a second family.

Q: What is a must have to get you through your 12-hour shift?
3 a.m. coffee, comfortable shoes, and my girls!

Q: What do you enjoy doing on your free time?
I enjoy watching my kids play sports, reading, going to the beach, and relaxing with friends!

Thanks, Kelly!

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